In my last post, I highlighted all the great eBooks the library owns. I know. You’re saying, “Ron, Everett Public Library has a fine collection of eBooks, but I don’t know the first thing about checking out no stinking eBooks. I’m apprehensive!” Well, apprehend no more. Read on and assuage your baseless fears.
Start with the Everett Public Library home page. In the middle-top area of the page you will see this picture.
Click on it to start your eBook journey.
One of the regions on the next page is dedicated to OverDrive, a website that allows you to check out eBooks with your Everett Public Library card.
If you have any questions, don’t know what kind of format your reader requires or how to download a book, click on the HELP button.
Each link here takes you to a helpful topic. Because it’s HELP.
If you want to dig right in and look at titles, skip the HELP button and click on Go to the library’s OverDrive Collection.
Here you will see headings such as May We Recommend with pictures of selected titles.
Click on a book to find out more about it.
This eBook entry is similar to any entry you’d see in the EPL catalog, with one important difference being Format Information. If you are unsure what format you need, go back to the HELP button for … help. Once a format is ascertained, if you want to check out this item then click on add to cart. At this point you can check out the single item or continue to add more items to your cart before checking out. It’s the library equivalent of on-line shopping. For now, let’s add this book to our shopping cart.
The shopping cart shows what items are in it and allows you to remove an item, continue browsing to add more items, or proceed to checkout to finish.
But before checking out you have to sign in.
Signing in takes you to the Check Out page.
At the Check Out page you can choose how long you want to check an item out (7, 14 or 21 days), remove an item from your cart, and finally check out. You also are told how many more eBooks you can check out to your account. To complete the process, click on Confirm Check Out. The next step to take varies depending on which format you’ve chosen. Refer to HELP if you have questions.
There are many more details to learn about eBooks and their checkout, but the best way to learn is to give it a try and ask questions. Our staff is happy to answer you in person, by phone, or by email. Also, don’t forget about the hands on Getting Started with eBooks program happening this Saturday, January 12th.
So dig in and enjoy. You may not like this manner of reading, but then again it might turn out to be the best thing since sliced motherboard.